Two Years Ago in China
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Sunday, May 24 2009
Two Years ago in China
Well...I've been back in America for 2 years now and just recently I've been having China dreams.
And I went to a Chinese buffet the other day. I got to try out my Chinese for the first time since I've been back. The woman was quite impressed with my pronunciation. She said most Caucasian people don't really pronounce the words correctly when speaking Chinese.
I can't wait to return to China again.
Here are some pictures of my year in China in random order.
A day in the country
Claudia enjoying the morning sun
It's a Chinese thing...You wouldn't understand
Hammock in a bamboo forest
Break time
My campus
Dinner and drinks with friends favorite Chinese teacher...I miss her!
Yes YOU!!!
Rainy day(view from my apartment)
Back from Hainan...ready for Ma La Tang!
Between classes
Travel with friends
Hitting the Temples
Sushi chefs in Hainan
After being rained on hard for 2 hours, the clouds broke and gave Claudia and myself a quick break...then it poured again.
Weekend we would head off to nearby towns to explore.
Jaer would be our guide.
Hot Chinese chicks
Hanging on the beach in Hainan with Claudia.
Shopping for fruit...MMmmmm
Chillin' and jammin'SCUBA diving in Hainan
Hostel hosts
Dinner by the beach
My friend Paul....He's back in Canada now.
We still chat on MSN.
The hostel in Hainan
Claudia relaxing after another wonderful meal by the beach.
I don't remember her name, but she was from England.
White doves and apples.
Claudia getting half a sun tan.
Aahhh...Shanghai at night.
My Philippine teacher at the Kung Fu School
Gloria and I rode this tandem bike all the way around the XiAn City wall.
This is my scooter I used to get around town in Changxing.
Kung Fu School
Mmmh...Sun dried duck in Yang Shuo.
After a session of acupuncture we had some sizzling beef in Yang Shuo.
Linging temple in Hangzhuo.
Over 300 Buddhas carver into the side of the mountain.
Old village south of Guilin
Bamboo boat ride down the Li river.
River ferry in Yang Shuo.
Fishing with Comerants in Guilin
Little Muslim guy in Xi'an
Early morning in Yang Shuo.
Someone getting ready to take an early morning bamboo boat ride.
Gloria on a Li River cruise.
That was one ride I'll remember for the rest of my life.
The kitchen on the back of the big boats on the river.
Small village just outside of Yang Shuo.
Gloria at the market in Xi'An.
He showed me how good he could drink...LOL.
Gloria and Denise at the breakfast table in Yang Shuo.Yang Shuo
Big WOK!
Morning haze in Yang ShuoSilk
Sports day at the school
Local farmer
More sports games
Mark...This little guy was so smart!
Tell him I said "Hello", Vicky!
Travel in China....BUS.
Everybody travels by bus.
Shanghai...The Bund.
The Subway in Shanghai with my German friend.
Posted by Global Jim goes to China at 10:59 AM 0 comments