Let the Games Begin
Well today is the first day of a three day sports marathon here at school.
I took a few minutes and walked around this afternoon and cheered MY kids on.
These are the time keepers.
The announcers.
Young sports casters in the making.
Run Jenny, Run!!High jump...sort of.
This is my tall friend Bob...I joked with him that all he has to do is run up and step over the bamboo pole.
Keeping track of every body's score.
On your mark, Get set, GO!
Seems more like one giant hurdle.
Those not participating sat in the sun and cheered on their classmates.
At least they didn't have class today!
At the finish line.
It was a great day for this track meet...not too hot and a slight breeze.
Then a few group photo's before I headed out to teach at the other school...Evening classes.
Remember Bob?
Well I thought my friend Bob was tall. Here are some of his friends.
Some kids are all work, work, work!
Day Two...
Hanging out with some of my favorite teachers.
Here comes a big bad case of jumping the gun.
And there you are.....get back here!!!
This little pork chop needs to do a few laps himself...He's one of my best students...His English is very good.
This is not the agony of defeat but the agony of victory.
Some last minute instructions....RUN FAST, TURN LEFT!!
Chinese teachers trying to stay warm....A little chilly today.
This is a great school!