New Pets
Well today I was out and about and decided to break down and buy a pet.
On the game farm I grew up on we had lots of exotic birds, so I opted to get me a little tweety bird.
Turtles are like pet rocks that you have to feed...
Cats are lovable but tend to smell up the place...
Dogs are for eating here...sometimes.
Same goes for fish.
As I stopped in at my favorite little market street pet shop I probably spent 30 minutes just trying to figure out just what kind of bird I wanted.
First thing that I decided was that I wanted one of those neat hand made Chinese bird cages.
Not one of those generic metal pet store cages.
That helped narrowed it down for me because you can't put a small parrot in one of those...They will eat right through it in a matter of minutes.
Plus the parrot said"Nee How". Hello in Chinese.
And I don't want to wake up in the morning buy a bird screaming... "Nee How...Nee How...Nee How"!
No parakeets for me...Too blah!
So I picked this little fellow.
I'm not sure what kind of bird he is.
If anybody knows...let me know...OK?
This is the world famous"Bird Catcher" of Changxing.
He can catch up to ten birds on one cigarette.
One of my students happened to pass buy while I was haggling the price down.
Teaching at two school means a lot more people recognize me around here.
The new school has about 3,000 students.
I can't walk anywhere without hearing "Hello Mr. Jim"...and turning around and seeing a smiling little Chinese kid and his or her parents.
The parents love to see their children chatting in English...proves they are paying attention in class.
Anyway the "Bird Whisperer" gets my bird, and he looked so lonely in the cage all by himself...
I decide to get him a friend.
I'm teaching a lot and I don't him to be all alone because of me.
Anyway...It take at least two to make a real meal...One will just make you hungry!(KIDDING)
After some intense haggling, a deal is struck.
I know she's thinking...Darn! I was going to have them for dinner.
As the parrot suddenly looks nervous!
Home Sweet Home.
The are not very parakeets can be.
And when they do sing...well I've never heard anything quite like it before. Unbelievable!
I haven't named them yet....Any suggestions?
This a picture made by a guy that I met through my blog.
His name is Glen and he sent this to me the other day.
Glen will be coming to China to teach English through Journey East in February.
I hope we get a chance to meet up.Thanks Glen!