Wednesday, September 06, 2006

There's a New Teacher in Town...Ya'll Be Cool Now!

Well today the Rainbow school got their new teacher.
Her name is Nina and she is from Germany.

Jeff''s contract was up so he went off to some far away place in China to teach.

I stopped by the Rainbow school around 11:00am...
Just before lunch....Big surprise!!
And had lunch with Nina, Bill and his parents.

She seemed to do pretty well with a set of chopsticks and wasn't freaked out about any of the food....
But then again we didn't have pig's head either.

Afterwards we hopped on our bikes and I gave her the grand tour of Changxing.
We stopped by Sophia's dad's duck store and had a Yo-Bing.

Mom was helping out doing the cooking today.

While Dad flattened out the rice balls.

Sophia's never met a German before...what's with that look?

Then we stopped by the fear factor market...I bought some banana's and oranges and showed Nina around a bit.

This guy missed out on seeing the hottest German chick in town!
OK...the only German chick in town.

This guy didn't!

I think she took the whole thing very well.

But she couldn't be talked into buying any eel....not today.

We went to the bookstore and got her an English to Chinese dictionary. Mine has been a life saver.
I also brought her by my place and let her call her mom from my computer.

Anyway, it looks like I'll be learning German while I'm in China.

A quote from Walt Whitman:

Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road, healthy, free, the world before me, the long path before me leading wherever I choose.


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