That night, on the way home we saw a wake that had been going on for three days.
But tonight they had priests doing a ceremonial thing.
Right there in the street, next to the Kodak shop.

The next morning I was up with the sun, taking more morning photos.

Laundry time.

Someone is taking an early morning bamboo boat ride.

Boats heading up river.

I love the effect of the morning fog on the river.
A shot from my balcony.

These ladies get up every morning before sunrise to do their laundry in the river.

What a beautiful, quiet, peaceful morning.

And then BOOM! Fireworks explode in the middle of the street.

It seems that today was the day of the burial for the person that the wake was for.
This wasn't something put on for the tourist. This was a traditional funeral.
Dragon costumes.


And the monks.

Carrying the casket.

The procession must have been two block long.
It was quite an experience just to see in real life.

After that exciting event we went to a great little restaurant next to the river and had a wonderful breakfast with an outstanding view!

After breakfast we rented an electric scooter and took a ride in the country.
This old lady was selling these flower things and Gloria bought one.
The old lady wanted me to buy one to, so I had to show here how ridiculous I looked with it on.
She agreed.
"What are you laughing at Granny?"

We made a few stops along the way just to relax and soak up the ambiance.

This is how they fix duck here in this little town. I've never seen this before.

The scenery was just UNBELIEVABLE...everywhere you look.
These pictures just can't capture the real beauty of this place.

Local mother and child.
Gloria with a case of the perm-a-grins.

We were just cruising along in the country, and smack out of nowhere...water Buffalo.
You just don't see this back home!

Just grazing along side the road...They didn't give us a second look.

Long arm shot.

Taking a break.

After we got back into town we decided to have an early dinner and then go to see the acupuncturist.
You tell by the look on my face that I'm a little nervous about what's about to happen after dinner.
Back when we were in Guilin we met this couple from Canada.
They said that they were going to Yang Shuo also, and we might run into them there.
We ran into them every day...Great people.
He had mentioned to me one day that he was seeing an acupuncturist while he was there, for some back problems he was having.
I told him of my shoulder problems and he suggested that I gave a shot.
He even had one of her business cards for me.
Here they are...I saw them walking by one day as we were having lunch in a local cafe'.

And so during dinner I called Dr. Lily and asked if she could stick me in this evening ?
(pun intended)
She said sure any time I was ready.
Here she is checking my know...does it hurt when I do this? How about this?
Yes and YES!!

Then she proceeded to insert the needles.
And after putting about 10 or 12 needles in my shoulder she hooked up some electrodes to the needles. Hey, I wasn't aware that this was part of the procedure.
Now there are two things I really hate in this world. One is being stuck with a needle and two is being shocked.
Well this was both.
Then you add some Chinese medicine and a heat lamp and baste for 30 minutes on each side till well done.
Hmmm...roast shoulder, with Chinese herbs.

Well I went through that whole procedure three different times while I was in Yang Shuo.
And as much as I hated the whole thing...It really helped my shoulder.
I've gained quite a bit of mobility in my shoulder, but it still has its limits.
I may go back to Yang Shuo in Feb.
It seems that there is a winter holiday and I don't have to teach for 3 or 4 weeks.
What a better place to hang out.
And get my shoulder treatment.
Xing Ping
The next morning we decided to go to a nearby town called Xing Ping.
It was up river about 30 minutes by bus.
So we hit the bus station and got on a local bus for Xing Ping.
Local bus means we're the only Americans on it....And it was packed!!
Xing Ping is a sleepy little town...or I should say big village?

This town is probably going to be like Yang Shuo in about 5 or 10 years.
It seems Yang Shuo was founded by hippy type people some years ago and it has become too touristy.
So this is the next unspoiled little place to hang out and get your Karma fix.

Just more great scenery!

Another unbelievable place in China.
We found a quaint(that's what Gloria calls it)little place to relax and have lunch.

One word....Ambiance!
They had another place in town that served ring neck pheasant.

And what the called Bamboo Rat. In America we call the Muskrats.

There were several places along the way where people would have bee hives set up and selling honey
The place was "BUZZING".

After walking around for most of the day we decided to take a bamboo raft back to Yang Shuo.
Several ladies have been following us on and off all day trying to get us to take bamboo boat rides so we started haggeling. By now, I'm getting pretty good at it!

We told them we wanted to go to Yang Shuo.
They said they couldn't...Territorial thing I think.
I met some Chinese girls that spoke some English and they helped with negotiations.
I broke out my map and they said the bamboo boat could take us just past Yang Shuo and we could catch a cab or walk back. problem...I think?!

And the sun sets with our friendly water buffalo grazing in the river.

Another cruise down the river.

Well, the boat never makes it to Yang Shuo and the guy pulls over and motions for us to get off.
Now Gloria is PISSED and a bit scared.
It's getting dark and we don't have a flashlight.
I tell her not to worry, we'll just follow the path down stream along the river, and hopefully find a road and a cab....or water buffalo.

I'm just loving the whole thing!
Lost in this unbelievable Chinese countryside.

Well after about 45 minutes we start to see signs of civilization.
We could see lights along the river about a mile down stream and Gloria calms down a bit.
Fortunately, I had walked down this road on one of my morning walks, so soon I started to recognize some landmarks.
Once back in town we walked around looking for a place to have dinner.
We found this street market that only appears at night.
It was mainly for the locals but we saw a few foreigners eating there too.
Now I've eaten rabbit before (in France) but this just wasn't appealing to me.

We opted for a place that served Latte's.
I can eat all the local Chinese cuisine I want back in Changxing.
I ate my fill of western style food here while I could!

I'm not sure, but I think we spent a whole week in Yang Shuo.
It was my favorite!
The next day we took a bus back to Guilin (1 hr) and then flew to Shanghai. (2 hrs.)
From there we took a bus to Huzhou .(3 hrs.)
And a taxi back to Changxing.(30 mins.)
It was still a long day of traveling!
Anyway here it is almost two weeks later and I'm finally done posting the trip.
I still have more photos that I couldn't fit in, so I may post them at a later date.
Meanwhile...Last Saturday Gloria and I went to Shanghai.
She was scheduled to fly back home Sunday, so we spent some time kicking around Shanghai one evening.
We had a wonderful dinner in the Jin Mao tower.(fourth tallest building in the world)
Then Sunday we headed off to the airport and had coffee before her plane headed off.
Thanks for a wonderful time Gloria!
Not only are you a great Tour Director, but a great travel companion!